Saturday, January 15, 2011

Creating project code coverage with PartCover and NUnit

Since my last posts ‘Integrating PartCover with Visual Studio 2005’ and ‘Integrating PartCover with Visual Studio 2008’ a lot of things changed and improved. PartCover project got itself a new home and now targeting .Net 4.0 Framework. NUnit testing framework also made a lot of improvements. In this post I am going to show how to run code coverage for a test project with NUnit console runner and PartCover browser. I will base it on my EnvMan project.

Getting PartCover and Nunit to run

First of all you need to download and install PartCover from Github project server. After installation you will find PartCover browser manual and PartCover console manual, which are very useful for understanding of rules creation and PartCover parameters.

Start PartCover Browser.


Select File>Run Target. It will open ‘Run Target Settings Window’


Click Browse buttons to select nunit-console.exe  and working directory for running NUnit. Working arguments should have “/noshadow” and a full path with the test project name or NUnit project name. “/noshadow” will make NUnit not to create shadow copies of the files and will allow PartCover to load source files in the browser. In EnvMan project I have NUnit project file which has two assemblies in it. In the rules window enter


which means (+) add rule where include any assembly which has EnvMan in its name and any namespace in these assemblies. After this you can click start to run tests. Don’t forget to save xml configuration file for future use.

Inspecting code coverage

Congratulations! You can now inspect the results by using Views>View Coverage Details.

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